Saturday, November 6, 2010

coffee to smooth your hands

When we talk about the benefit of coffee, we will talk about everything, from health to beauty. We all know that coffee has many advantages. One of the benefit of coffee is that it can smooth your hands. It is useful for everyone, especially women who always keep their body.

I have ever experienced it, when i had my palm hands were so dry. I did not know why it happened. I had already use the gloves every time i need to make a contact with detergent. However, i found the same, my palm hands were peeled. It made me so embarrassed especially when I had to have a shake hand.

But then, I tried to use coffee. And I found it works. It was quite easy. You just need to put a tea spoon of coffee powder on your palm hand, rub it for about 5 minutes, and then clean it by using clean water of course.
Quite simple, isn't it?

Monday, October 25, 2010

a brief description of Lau Kawar

Mt. Sinabung scenery

Lau Kawar
Lau Kawar is one of tourism place in Karo Highland, North Sumatra. It takes about 45 minutes from Kabanjahe, the capital of Karo Highland. Even though it is not as popular as Lake Toba, Lau Kawar gives you beautiful scenery of nature. Along your trip, you can see Mt. Sinabung scenery.

it's a begining

Life is like the dice that, falling, still show a different face. So life, though it remains the same, is always presenting different aspects.

Even though it presents different aspects, life always teaches us one thing that is the maturity.